Decolonizing Science: Chemistry, Biology & Holistic Health

  • Science
Oct 09 2024
Dec 18 2024
  1. Mon 
  2. Tue 
  3. Wed11:00 am - 12:00 pm
  4. Thu 
  5. Fri 
  6. Sat 
  7. Sun 


Decolonizing Science: Chemistry, Biology & Holistic Health

Age Range: 9+

Class Time (EST): 11 am-12 pm

Class Days: Wednesdays

Date Range of Class: Oct 9 - Dec 18 

Instructor Name: Mama Preshona {Ambri}

Instructor Email: [email protected]

Instructor cell phone: 2404472983

Class Description

This class interweaves the science of the Self with the science of the Universe. In Science of Self, we explore the actual, broken-down definition of science, and begin by exploring our everyday observations. Centering first in self-awareness & self-observation, we explore Afrikan and multicultural perspectives on energy & physics and how to do energy work on ourselves in the form of self-care: from breath work to yoga to chi gong. We work steadily on identifying our ego from our divine self, while learning several tools of responding and not reacting to life's problems from the inside out. These are sprinkled throughout the year, as this is truly the most important science to learn. In Science of the Universe, we will learn the different types of scientific studies and logical fallacies present in scientific explanations. We will next explore the patterns of the Universe: starting from energy, the different ways it moves, and the patterns it makes (fractals). From here, we will explore contained systems of energy: atoms. We will study where they come from (astrophysics), the “personalities” of different atoms, and the ways they interact (chemistry) Beyond this, we will also study Dimensional physics. Larger systems of energy (engines, the solar system and the Earth, the human body & cellular biology). How to quantify energy and its motion (physics), which is explored in more detail and practice in our Advanced Math course. 



Class Skills Development 

Analytical & Reflecting Skills, Self-Awareness, Yoga, Breathing Techniques, Chi Gong, Contextualize Chemistry & Physics with our lives, Learn & Apply Various Scientific Studies 


Class Materials 

Designated section of science to take notes 


Class Norms 

Be studious, respectful, kind, cameras on - do homework each week and work to commit skill to memory each week 


About the Instructor 

Preshona Ambri, M.Ed is a passionate, non-traditional educator & creative whose purpose and mission is to spread the stories of people of color on this planet. Combining many of her fields of practice, her Masters in Special Education, and B.A. in Media Cross-Cultural Hegemony with Spanish & International Studies Minors, she created the bilingual I Am Sun program, to prepare young students for both life and college-prep exams from a young age, while embracing perspectives, stories & histories of students of color.


Class dates

10/09/2024, 10/16/2024, 10/23/2024, 10/30/2024, 11/06/2024, 11/13/2024, 11/20/2024, 11/27/2024, 12/04/2024, 12/11/2024, 12/18/2024


Participants must currently be 9 years to 15 years old.

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 1

Registration period

Registration starts on 06/30/2024 and ends on 10/31/2024.

Online location


Registration closed.